Trace ID number only. The ID number is verified with Dpt of Home Affairs.
Trace registered company (if self-employed with own comany). The company is verified with CIPC.
- The registered company name
- The registered company address
- Names and details of all directors of the company
- The SARS registration number (if applicable)
Full and detailed trace with everything you need to lodge a new maintenance case or file for arrear maintenance. All details are verified (where applicable).
- Trace and verification of his ID number (verified at Dpt Home Affairs)
- Last known home address
- Last known employment address
- Employment status
- Trace of all contact numbers
- The registered company name & address (if self-employed)
- Names and details of all directors of the company (if he has his own company)
- The SARS registration number of his own company (if applicable)